6 Promech Penetrating Oil Professional Formula 11oz

Product Description
Promech Penetrating Oil is faster acting and more effective at freeing up rusted, corroded, or seized fasteners and parts than anything currently available. It has also shown to work very well in cases of “galvanic corrosion of dissimilar metals”, such as the seizing of a steel bolt in an aluminum block. Save time, money and those valuable parts.
It is not intended as a universal lubricant. Promech concentrated their efforts on developing the penetrating part of the formula. After all, the slipperiest substance on earth is not going to loosen that rusted bolt and nut if it cannot get in there to work. It has also shown to work very well in cases of “galvanic corrosion of dissimilar metals”, such as the seizing of a steel bolt in an aluminum block.
Promech has also shown unique properties such as actually “fizzing” the corrosion out, as well as the ability to “creep and climb” into the seized fasteners. A huge advantage when working in an inverted position. Field testing with various industries and many end users has yielded a variety of successful uses along with outstanding endorsements.
A revolutionary advancement in penetrating oils!